Psychedelics, Psychospiritual, Gut Health, Microbiome Jonathan Sekerak Psychedelics, Psychospiritual, Gut Health, Microbiome Jonathan Sekerak

Ayahuasca 03: “Please Mama Aya, Show Me How to Love Myself”

As I pray, I can feel the acidic sludge churning in my stomach, like a snake, writhing it’s way down, deeper and deeper into my intestines… Unexpectedly, and without the consultation of my rational mind, my prayer morphs into a new intention:

Please Mother Ayahuasca, help me heal my gut.

Later in the evening, I would learn exactly why this shift occurred.

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Psychospiritual, Mindfulness, Mental Health Jonathan Sekerak Psychospiritual, Mindfulness, Mental Health Jonathan Sekerak

A Request

This is especially important to remember as we step into this moment of global transformation. “Sorry” represents the past, the events that got us here, to a global pandemic, systemic racism, police brutality, oceans full of plastic, the loss of a species every twenty minutes, and utterly ineffectual leadership. Now is not the time for sorry. Now is the time for action and change.

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Psychospiritual, Psychedelics, Trauma & PTSD Jonathan Sekerak Psychospiritual, Psychedelics, Trauma & PTSD Jonathan Sekerak

07: The First Time My Ego Dissolved, or, When I Heard my Calling to Peru, Part II

In my efforts to heal from depression, suicidal ideations, and IBS, I no longer feel I am in a battle against these afflictions, but rather on a path away from them, and toward something else entirely: wholeness... My inward journey, and specifically the experience of ego dissolution, completely changed my relationship to the world...

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